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 The ultimate way to lift your skills, beat boredom burnout and allow your most creative fantasies come to life. You meet new people, new suppliers. Its like a whole new part of the nail world you never knew existed. Challenge yourself and see what endless possibilities there is to create. 



Global Nail Design Awards is run by myself. 
Along with a panel of dedicated and experienced Judges that over see all the competitors work. 

The day is exciting, fun, exhilarating and adventurous. 

Winners walk away with 1st, 2nd or 3rd place medals. You can push yourself to enter all the categories in your division to Win DIVISION CHAMPION. And then your in the running to get GRAND CHAPMION.

Imagine having "Award Winning Nail Tech" in your bio.....


Sounds like something you want to know more about? The website will be here soon! but feel free to message me any questions. 

Other Competitions to check out - 

NZ Nail Competition